Τρίτη 18 Μαΐου 2010

Collaboration with Roberto Domeniconi


Video-diaporama made by Juan-Carlos Hernandez for the swiss pianist Roberto Domeniconi with photographs Juan-Carlos took to the group during a concert at the Sud des Alpes, AMR, Geneva, Switzerland the 24th of April 2010.
You can enjoy this 4 mn video where you will listen the atmospheric "Magnetisches Moment" from the album ">>Vierklang" edited on 2008 by Unit Records (UTR 4210).

Below the video you will find the photo of Roberto Domeniconi Juan-Carlos Hernandez prefers from this show.

The other musicians who play with Roberto Domeniconi are the swiss musicians :

Christian Weber on bass
Norbert Pfammatter on drums
Peter Schärli on trumpet

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